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We use a lot of things in our lives. Sure, we human beings need some things. But it is true, that the less things someone owns, the happier she or he is. Jon Jandai brings this thought on the point in his TED talk. So give away what you do not need and think twice before you buy anything. If you really need or want something, please get it from the most righteous? source.

I find my joy in the simple things.

The quality of things though is important. So with this the Commontology, we want to oppose the planed obsolescence. We present to you things, that last long?, things that may be repaired, that may be recycled.

We don't need so many things. Let's collect the things in an utmost simple household:

And to see this page, you will need some sort of:

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Page last modified on February 16, 2017, at 03:58 PM